Spirometry with Reversibility

The spirometry tool is available for all lung conditions. You can either activate regular spirometries or Spirometry with Reversibility for your patient. This article describes how Spirometries with Reversibility work.

Configure the tool

You can activate spirometry with reversibility for your patient by selecting it when you send instructions.

Choose if the patient should wait for a scheduled appointment to perform the reversibility test (assisted) or if they can do the reversibility test themselves by simply following the app instructions (solo testing).

Once you’re done you can send the updated instructions to your patient. They will receive a notification and message in the app about their new instructions.

Instruct your patient on which medication to use

It’s not possible to send instructions about which medication to use for the test through Careportal and the app. It’s very important that you communicate to your patient which medication they should use for the test, and if they should use their regular medication before the test.

You also need to inform them in case they need to rest longer than the default 15 minutes after taking their medication.

How the patient performs a reversibility test

Whether you chose assisted or solo testing, the reversiblity test tool will look the same to the patient. Only the instructions displayed above the tool will differ.

If they previously had regular spirometries activated, the Spirometry tool will temporarily change to prompt the patient to do a reversibility test.

To do a reversibility test, the patient needs to complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the start page in the app and scroll down to the spirometry tool. If the Asthma Treatment Check tool is active, they may need to switch tab from Treatment to Spirometry.
  2. Tap on ‘New reversibility session’
  3. The patient will see a guide explaining how the tool works. They will also be informed when it may not be safe to perform a spirometry.
  4. Fill in personal details needed to provide the correct reference values
  5. The spirometer will automatically connect
  6. The patient is recommended to do three spirometries in the “Before inhaler” session, with rest in between. But fewer or more tests can be done.
  7. Once the “Before inhaler” is completed, take your medication and start the 15 minute timer.
  8. Start the “After inhaler” session when the timer has run out.
  9. Complete three more spirometries.
  10. When the “After inhaler” session is finished the patient is prompted to contact their healthcare provider to let them know the test is completed.

The patient will have access to the best spirometry result from the before and after session. However, all trials are available in Careportal.


After finishing a session the patient will only have access to the regular spirometry tool. If they need to redo the test, you need to send the instructions again.

Viewing the results

You can view the results from all spirometry sessions by going to the patient page in Careportal and clicking the Spirometry tab.


The latest spirometry will automatically be displayed. You can choose to either view individual sessions or a FEV1 and FVC graph over time.

Individual sessions

For individual sessions, select if you want to use GLI Quanjer reference values or Hedenström. With GLI Quanjer the normal range is also displayed in the spirometry graph. You can view all detailed test information in the list beneath the graph.

Over time

By clicking Over time in the top left corner you can view the FEV1 and FVC values from all spirometries in a selected period. For detailed information on individual spirometries you can click any data point in the graph.


Reproducibility is indicated next to each session. It can be either good or poor.

Copy information

If you need to copy information from any spirometries you can simply select them and click the Copy button at the top of the list. This will copy the date, time, session type, FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC from each session with comparisons to reference values.

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