Patient guides
Browse our full library of help topics and answers to common questions
Getting started
Do all clinics provide your solutions?
Can I use this on my own, without a healthcare provider?
How do I get started?
Can children use your tools?
Which lung conditions are your solutions useful for?
Which asthma conditions are your solutions useful for?
Is it safe to use your solutions?
Is there any clinical evidence behind your tools?
What does it cost?
Asthma evaluation
How do I get a spirometer (lung function meter)?
How to get a new spirometer mouthpiece
My phone does not connect to the spirometer, what can I do?
How do I clean my spirometer?
Does the spirometer come with a warranty?
How do I update my spirometer?
Which spirometer can I use?
I no longer use my spirometer, how do I discard it?
Is the spirometer a medical device?
Suspect inaccurate spirometer readings?