How is my asthma control level determined?

Your asthma control level is determined using a sophisticated algorithm that considers two crucial factors: your lung function and the symptoms you’ve registered. This algorithm has been designed to align with your current condition and guide your treatment plan effectively.

Based on the information provided by these factors, the algorithm classifies your asthma into one of three control levels:

  1. Controlled (Green): If your lung function is stable, and your registered symptoms are minimal or well-managed, you’ll fall into the “controlled” category. Follow your existing treatment plan for this level.
  2. Partly Controlled (Yellow): In cases where your lung function shows some fluctuations or your symptoms are moderately managed, you’ll be categorized as “partly controlled.” This suggests that your asthma may require some adjustments for better control. Refer to your existing partly controlled treatment plan.
  3. Uncontrolled (Red): If your lung function is poor, or your symptoms are severe and not well-managed, you’ll be classified as “uncontrolled.” This signals that you need a modification to bring your asthma under better control. Follow your uncontrolled asthma treatment plan.

Understanding your asthma control level is a critical step in ensuring your condition is managed optimally. It allows you and your healthcare provider to make informed decisions regarding your existing treatment plan.

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