Patient information page

On the patient information page you can view patient details, see and edit latest instructions, send SMS reminders, assign Healthcare providers and order spirometers.

Patient details

The patient details are displayed to the left and contain contact information as well as the information necessary to calculate reference values for the patient. 

As a healthcare provider you can edit the phone number for the patient if you notice that it is incorrect. The patient will be notified that their number was updated.

Latest instructions

Here you can view the latest instructions and when they were sent to the patient, as well as edit them. You also have the ability to send an SMS reminder.

Listed under the instructions are recently completed tasks, such as lung tests that the patient has performed.

Healthcare providers

On the right side you can assign Healthcare providers to the patient.

Order spirometer

If applicable for your clinic, you can also order a spirometer for the patient and view the status of your order.


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