AsthmaTuner can now be prescribed for adults with uncontrolled asthma
8 Nov 2024

AsthmaTuner can now be prescribed for adults with uncontrolled asthma

We are thrilled to announce that TLV has decided to reimburse AsthmaTuner for all individuals with uncontrolled asthma in Sweden, meaning that the reimbursment will now also apply to adults! The decision takes effect on October 3rd, which means that from that day forward, you can prescribe AsthmaTuner’s spirometer to all your patients with uncontrolled asthma.

How do I prescribe AsthmaTuner to my patients with asthma?

What does uncontrolled asthma mean?

This means experiencing symptoms during daily life, both day and night. It also means that asthma limits physical activity, such as walking or playing sports.

Stort tack!

We want to extend a huge thank you to all healthcare professionals who, over the years, have connected patients to AsthmaTuner. You have truly made a difference for both your patients and future asthma patients!

We look forward to continuing our work in digital asthma care together with you!