The award for best digital technology for asthma is presented to companies and organizations that have developed innovative digital solutions to help people with asthma manage their disease more effectively.
EFA is a leading organisation working to improve the lives of people with asthma and allergies in Europe. EFA consists of 45 patient organisations (!!) with representatives from 26 countries in Europe, making them the strongest voice for people with asthma and allergies. EFA is committed to promoting patients' rights and health, as well as improving the treatment and care of people with asthma and allergies. By collaborating with patient organisations, healthcare professionals, policymakers and other stakeholders, EFA can influence policy decisions and improve care for people with asthma and allergies.
AsthmaTuner is an app designed to help people with asthma understand their disease and optimize their medications. We are delighted to have won the award for Best Digital Technology for Asthma and would like to thank EFA for their recognition. Watch the awards ceremony in Ghent, Belgium, which AsthmaTuner asthma nurse Johanna Edoff received on site.

We will continue to work hard to improve the lives of people with asthma and look forward to further development and expansion into other respiratory diseases.
Just as Johanna emphasizes in her acceptance speech, we would like to thank all our healthcare users who offer AsthmaTuner. You provide us with knowledge and invaluable feedback that will enable us to become even better. We would also like to thank all people with asthma who use AsthmaTuner. Together with you, we get closer to our common goal, which is for anyone with asthma to be able to live a completely symptom-free life.
Thank you for choosing AsthmaTuner!